Lymphedema Podcast

Episode 29: Pediatric Secondary Lymphedema

Photo by Leo Rivas on Unsplash

As promised, this episode is dedicated to Pediatric Secondary Lymphedema. Since Camp Watchme I have been researching, reading and reflecting more on pediatric lymphedema.

Many of the parents at camp had so many questions that their doctors couldn’t answer or seemed frustrated about the lack of information available on childhood lymphedema. Primary lymphedema has more research due to the genetic nature that some cases have but secondary lymphedema has very little information, from what I could find.

One important note I want to make, and it has been at the center of my quest to create a meaningful experience at Camp Watchme, is that childhood lymphedema continues into adulthood. If your doctor does not have information on lymphedema for your child or there is not a therapist who is certified to treat lymphedema for your child, they will not magically appear when your child turns 18, 19, or 20.

Information about childhood lymphedema is a MUST, not a luxury resource that some are entitled to. Early education, early intervention, and early treatment is the key to creating healthy adults with this incurable but manageable disease.

If you are a parent looking for information on Pediatric Secondary Lymphedema check out this article from the Toronto Physiotherapy Clinic. Also, as you listen to this particular episode, check out the gallery for the images and info graphics I mention.

As always, if you are enjoying the podcast please comment and share for others to learn about this great resource. I will be presenting at the National Lymphedema Network Conference this October on the purpose and future of Camp Watchme. If you want to hear more about Camp Watchme, hear leading voices in the lymphedema community, and learn more about great resources for your lymphedema journey use the promo-code PODCAST for a $50 discount when you register!

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